Hero of Russia (08/22/1997), aircraft designer.
He was born on December 22, 1938 in the city of Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Territory. Russian. In 1952-1957, the family lived in the Far North – in the cities of Pevek and Anadyr, where his father was sent after graduating from the regional party school. He graduated from high school in Anadyr.
In 1962, he graduated from the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Moscow Aviation Institute and joined the Ukhtomsky Helicopter Plant (Kamov Design Bureau).
Possessing great scientific and brilliant organizational skills, a strong and strong-willed character, he quickly advanced into the ranks of leaders and leading specialists of the enterprise. He has consistently worked his way up from an ordinary design engineer, team chief, lead designer for particularly complex objects of the advanced design department, head of the leading Design Bureau department to chief designer and responsible head. In 1974, he was appointed chief designer of the Ukhtomsky Helicopter Plant, in 1987 – General designer of VNTK named after N.I.Kamov. Since 1994 – President and General Designer of JSC Kamov.
Under his leadership, unique helicopter systems and complexes have been created: shipboard helicopters – search and attack Ka-27, transport and combat Ka-29, radar patrol Ka-31; combat attack helicopters – Ka-50 “Black Shark” and Ka–52 “Alligator”; multi-purpose army aviation – Ka–60 “Killer whale”; civil–purpose – multipurpose Ka-32A and its modifications, light multipurpose Ka-226; unmanned – Ka-37, Ka-137 and others.
S.V.Mikheev is a prominent scientist and an outstanding specialist in the field of helicopter engineering, the head of the scientific and design school, which created and ensured the practical use of coaxial helicopters in the interests of the national economy and defense of the country, which have no analogues in our country and abroad. He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers, including 8 monographs, 76 copyright certificates and patents.
He was awarded the Order of Lenin (12/28/1987), the Order of the October Revolution (03/26/1982), and medals.
Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1982), the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1996), the A.N. Tupolev Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1997, for a complex of research and development work on the creation of combat and civilian helicopters).
Doctor of Technical Sciences (1984), Professor (1987), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011), member of the International Helicopter Association, helicopter societies of Russia, Europe and the USA.