ОКБ Микояна

MiG-25RBV (product.02V)

MiG-25RBV    This is a single-seat supersonic reconnaissance bomber, a version of the MiG-25RB recon-bomber with a more powerful Virazh-1 general purpose ELINT station and interchangeable photography equipment. An experimental model of this supersonic recon-bomber featuring the Virazh-1 surveillance station (MiG-25R #303) was assembled in summer 1970 and tested officially and accepted for production during 1971-1972. The MiG-25RBV was in mass production during 1973-1979.


    Since 1972 the part of airplanes the MiG-25RB/RBV was issued in version of the night photoscout, received the name the MiG-25RBN. 2 aerial cameras are established on them night (with integral lighting from photolighting bombs FOTAB-100/140 - the suspension underneath the wing) both twilight shooting NAFA-75 and station "Virazh".

MiG-25RBT (product 02T)

    This is a single-seat supersonic reconnaissance bomber, a version of the MiG-25RB (RBV) with the lighter and more reliable Tangazh general purpose ELINT station. This aircraft was assembled in summer 1978 and officially tested for production during 1979. The MiG-25RBT remained in mass production during 1980-1982.

МиГ-25РБТ (1980)

Design OKB A.I.Mikoyan
Type MiG-25RBT
NATO code name FoxBat-B
Function reconnaissance bomber
First flight 1979
Crew 1
Dimensions & Weight
Length, m 21,55
Overall height, m 6,5
Wing Span, m 13,42
Wing Area, m2 61,4
Wheel base, m 5,139
Wheel track, m 3,85
Take-off weight, kg max 41200
normal 37000 (35670)
empty 19070
Internal fuel, kg 15245 (14980)
Engines 2 Turbojet R-15BD-300
Thrust, kgf (kN) max 8800 (86,3)
in afterburner 11200 (109,8)
Flight data
Range, km supersonic 1635
subsonic 1865
Range with drop tank 5300 l, km supersonic 2130
subsonic 2400
Max. speed, km/h (M=) at altitude 3000 (2,83)
Practical ceiling, m 23000
Bomb, kg 5000
AA missiles R-60

Схема МиГ-25РБВ
MiG-25RBVСхема МиГ-25РБТ
МиГ-25РБТ с подвесным топливным баком (без консолей)

References and Credits:

  1. History and aircraft of Mikoyan design bureau / «Wings of Russia», 1999, CD-ROM /
  2. «Airplanes of special purpose» / V.N.Shunkov, 1998 /
  3. MiG-25RB  / «Sky corner» /
  4. Mig-25 / Su-27 Flanker in life and in game (A.Shukaylo) /